Happy Chinmaya Jayanti!
I discovered Swami Chinmayananda only recently. And what a discovery it has been! And, alas, why did I not discover him any earlier?
In my opinion, there is no greater teacher of Vedanta than him. I will substantiate my statement a bit later.
The sheer erudition, language and force with which he taught is mind-blowing. And what a Yogi he had been! To conduct more than 500 Geeta Gnana Yagnas each lasting more than 7 days is not only phenomenal, but testimony to his fortitude and determination to propagate the esoteric scriptures of our land to the common man. Not to mention the 90+ books he has authored.
He was not just an Yogi, but an intellectual Kshatriya as well. From establishing his monastic order of Chinmaya Mission that to this day propagates the fragrance of Vedanta to the founding of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), his zeal to protect and preserve Sanatana Dharma makes him a modern-day Bheeshma.
A true embodiment of Icchaa Shakthi, Jnana Shakthi and Kriya Shakthi, indeed!
Now, coming to why I consider him the greatest teacher of our scriptures - it is the clarity of concepts and his teaching done with wit, humor and practical examples. Not even physicists have given such elegant and precise explanations of a few arcane concepts. Let me illustrate with examples -
- The way he has distilled the concepts of Vedanta to BMI chart is not only most innovative but guaranteed to give an aha moment of understanding to even a novice of Vedanta philosophy. One can see Swamiji always referring to this chart in all the videos you can find of his discourses.
Adapted from the "Self Unfoldment" by Swami Chinmayananda.
For a deeper understanding of the BMI chart one can watch this video (it is lengthy) -
- Explanation of concept of subtlety in philosophy and consciousness
- Difference between matter and spirit (matter = Prakriti; spirit = Purusha)
- Definition of Srimad Bhagavad Geetha as a book of Science and Technique
- Definition and origin of Time -
To stress the importance of clarity and incisiveness in understanding scriptures, compare Swamiji's dissection of the topic of Matter & Spirit with that of ISKCON's reputed Bhagavad Geetha book https://asitis.com/13/20.html and decide for yourself which one aids your understanding better.
In my opinion, it is the consistent fitment of concepts into a framework like BMI that gives a structure to our understanding. Mere verbosity will not only not help, but will lead to more confusion and unanswered questions.
NOTE: I mean no disrespect to any version of the Bhagavad Geetha. It is just my opinion.